The EaseMyTrip logo is the most respected and treasured resource of the brand which significantly emphasizes more on our brand visuals and aesthetics. To make our brand pop we extensively rely on definitive colors that make up our primary color palette.
CMYK 97 / 60 / 3/ 13
RGB 0 / 91 / 155
HEX #005B9B
CMYK 76 / 13 / 4 / 2
RGB 0 / 164 / 213
HEX #00A4D5
CMYK 69 / 66 / 66 / 73
RGB 37 / 34 / 32
HEX #252220
CMYK 00 / 00 / 00 / 00
RGB 255 / 255 / 255
Before starting with our designing process, we usually set and specifically define various elements of our brand designs. Thus, to create a unique brand identity we widely utilize Nice blue, Caribbean blue, White and Ship grey color and tones.
The unique combination of these tones engulfs the sense of loyalty, responsibility, calmness, intelligence, and purity, which our customers expect from us during their splendid journeys.
Create and steward a unified brand experience that enables Customers, Associates, & Communities to achieve a better life.
Don’t use
secondary colors in headlines
Don’t use
secondary colors in headlines