
We highly believe in capturing perfectly staged slices of life that symbolize beautiful & slightly heightened reality. To achieve this objective, we click unique, vibrant, dynamic, & distinctive pictures in interesting angles, fresh cropping, & rich saturated colors.

This allows our brand to celebrate authenticity, capture the essence of various ubiquitous tourist attractions and showcase the vivid vistas to persuade our valued customers.

Image types

Our images are perceived as the direct reflection that provide us an opportunity to express our philosophy and create a unique context for the transformational interactions.

Images use cases
When using photos, it’s important to know when & where to use specific photography styles.
Well, here are some of the pivotal areas.
  • Brand communications
  • Department communications
  • Website section banners
  • Product/department communications
  • Digital communications
  • Social posts
  • Website product imagery 
  • Dynamic social posts
  • Dynamic digital communications
Image Guideline

To capture photography for our various size needs, photographers should shoot multiple croppings of the same content. This will not only provide flexibility when placing into layouts, but it will also tell a bigger story. In cases where a singular shot needs to be captured, photographers should avoid cropping in the camera & stay mindful of safe zones for horizontal & vertical crops. When possible, please shoot additional plates because digital formats vary in size.

One Image for One Banner

Avoid Using Misadventure Images

Avoid using third party watermark images

Avoid creating fake compositions from multiple sources.

Avoid using messy background.

last update on 20 December, 2023